
Team Love: Meet the Team – Alyce Evans, Solicitor & Marketing Assistant

  • 7 September 2024
  • Studio Legal

Get to know…Alyce!

Alyce is a solicitor working in the IP side of the business and also in charge of creating our legal and social content. With a background in journalism and an Arts major in literature, Alyce is passionate about working with clients in creative industries, such as art, journalism, fashion, literature, film and television.

When she’s not reading and writing at work, you’ll likely find Alyce reading and writing at home! She also enjoys visiting restaurants and art galleries with friends, and battling the waves at the beach.

In this week’s Team Love Q&A, we ask Alyce about her secret talent, perfect night out and what she’s been loving this month.

If you didn’t work as a Solicitor, what would you be?

An author and/or a fashion designer and/or book editor!

What is your perfect night out?

Can I have two?

My first would involve going to the beach in Summer and watching the sunset with friends. There’ll be cocktails and fresh seafood (maybe we went fishing that day!). Then, when the sun goes done, it would turn into a giant bonfire and party on the beach.

My second is a little different… I’d go to an escape room, followed by a quirky Heston Blumenthal dinner (or maybe that’s somehow part of the escape room!), followed by mystical cocktails at a bar with some live music.

What is one thing you are obsessed with right now?

Hazelnut Moccona Coffee.

It’s 1999 again and the world is about to end, how do you spend your day?

Well in 1999 I was a toddler! But, if I wasn’t – I’d definitely want to be at the beach, with all of my family and friends and my dogs. We’d go snorkelling all day and then, it would probably turn into my first perfect night above – sunset, cocktails, delicious food and a bonfire.

What is your secret talent?

I have a black belt in Taekwondo. Perhaps not a ‘talent’ but people don’t usually expect that.

Further information

If you have any legal questions or would like to chat to our creative, beach-loving solicitor and marketing assistant, Alyce, please contact us through our online form or via email at

Want to get to know the rest of the Studio Legal team? Check out our other Team Love interviews here.