• While we are lovers of quality content, we also understand there’s a lot to get right behind the scenes before things can run smoothly on the page, the screen or the mic.

    We represent clients working across all forms of traditional, new and emerging media, including newspapers, magazines, radio stations, bloggers, podcasters, brands, talent, creative agencies and media companies.

    We can help you with things like:

    • Agreements with actors, talent, writers, broadcast journalists, entertainers, cast and crew, employees, contractors, agents and insurers;
    • Production agreements;
    • Financing and funding;
    • Defamation advice and clearances;
    • Censorship;
    • Licensing of music and other copyrights including synch placements, remixes and sampling;
    • Copyright protection, infringement and commercialisation;
    • Performer and moral rights;
    • Talent, copyright and location releases;
    • Merchandise and sponsorship;
    • Chain of title;
    • Pre-publication legal advice and content clearance;
    • Broadcasting licences, streaming licences and other mandatory licences;
    • Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and Australian Press Council (APC) Standards;
    • Privacy matters, including drafting privacy policies;
    • Australian Consumer Law;
    • Disputes and litigation; and
    • Much, much more!

    Examples of work:

    • Advised and negotiated a settlement for a high-profile Australian franchise on a defamation and injurious falsehood matter, in relation to an article published in a leading Melbourne newspaper.
    • Providing ongoing legal support and assistance to community radio station including advising on music licensing requirements and managing and resolving a large trade mark dispute with a large commercial radio network;
    • Assisting start-up digital news publication to create suite of contract templates for business including readership terms and conditions, privacy policy, content creator agreements, writer agreements, interview release forms, talent release forms and more.
    • Advising podcast and other audio production companies on legal issues such as copyright, defamation and Australian Consumer Law, and drafting suite of legal contract templates for their business use, including podcast production agreements, production consultancy agreements, interviewee release forms and more.